Does Rosalique help with lupus (butterfly rash)?

Lupus is an auto-immune disease which affects a lot more people than you'd think. Many people have never heard of Lupus and there is still a lot unknown. It is often difficult to diagnose and symptoms range from joint and muscle pain, fatigue, fever to hair loss and anaemia. Another symptom is often referred to as Butterfly Rash. The rash shows as red or purplish in a butterfly pattern, generally covering the cheeks and bridge of the nose. Sometimes it is also very itchy and painful.
Quite a few of our customers have informed us that Rosalique 3 in 1 Miracle Formula is definitely helping with their Butterfly Rash. For example gorgeous Emma Lynn, who actually also wrote a blog about it for us! Read the full blog here.
On a final note however, we would recommend doing a patch test first - Rosalique has been tested for sensitive skin and should be fine, but everyone is different and people with lupus are known to have super sensitive skin - so better be safe than sorry!
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